Monday, September 24, 2007

Time for an Update...

Well, this weekend proved to be pretty good as far as 3 Day training goes...I walked 12 miles on Saturday and 6 on Sunday and I'm feeling just fine today! Woo hoo!! My plan for the week is to walk Tuesday and Thursday at least 6 miles each day and then Saturday and Sunday I would like to get 10 miles in each day...we'll see how that goes because I have a really busy weekend scheduled, but I'm gonna try!

As far as fundraising goes, I am really excited about exceeding my original goal and I am moving towards my 3K goal...sure hope I make it! Hopefully selling Jeans Day Passes and Afghan Raffle Tickets will push me over the top! I am super excited to report that one of my parents (thanks Terri!!) donated and is applying for a matching gift from her company!!! I am ecstatic about that for two reasons: first, it's cool to have the support of my school parents and second, the matching gift is the only milestone sticker I was struggling to earn!! Yay!!! My Pink Ribbon of milestone stickers will be complete!!

Still truckin',

PS: If you haven't taken the opportunity to contribute to my effort to eradicate breast cancer, click the "Donate Here" link and spare a few bucks! Every little bit helps find a cure!

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