Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Catch up...

Just a little post to catch everyone up on how things are going these days...

I am finally settling back into my routine for both training and work (oh and WW), so that is great news. Last weekend I held my fundraising garage sale, and it was a HUGE success! Thanks to all of you who donated your items, time, and just general support...we had a great sale!

There are 7 weeks of training left, so it's hard to believe that the event is just around the corner! I am glad about that because the training sure is a beating!!! On the agenda for this week: 41 miles! Whoa!!

Andi walked 3 miles with me today, so that was fun. She loved the trail and was super excited to be out on a walk with me...but then I was reminded of how I have let her training go! She's not the most obedient little thing on a leash!

Upcoming events for me: afghan raffle, jeans day passes for the teachers, and t-shirt sales with the official Rack Pack logo! Oh...and also a few more miles of walking!

Thanks for checking in...

1 comment:

tara said...

I am curious where you walk..I am a 3 day walker and saw your blog listed when I looked up Jennifer(she goes to my church) and jsut started searching through your team. There is a great walk in Keller at BEar creek I did last week on the trails and it was 10 miles. Has hills and flats. As a former 3 day walker I suggest practice on hills/flats and grass! good luck
Tara Greene walker 05 '07 no walker left behind team