Friday, March 30, 2007

What a day!

So the weather stinks so I can't walk outside and today I was a bum and didn't find my motivation to go and walk at the gym. Luckily it's a cross train day for me, so I didn't miss my miles this week. But still...I need to be at the gym. I'm making a commitment: tomorrow I will cross train in addition to my walking miles.

So what a day it has been! I made the decision to go ahead and send out a round of emails letting my friends and family know that I am doing the 3 Day, and already I have had 3 donations. It's amazing...and just what I needed to help me over the huge fear hurdle about raising this much money.

I have the greatest family and friends....I am so very blessed.

Deep thanks to all,

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A New Training Endeavor...

So we joined the gym and I signed up for personal training, and that started today with my introductory session. Yep...I had to stand in the gym and get measured and weighed and all that good stuff with this super fit person. I was a little self conscious, but I just reminded myself (out loud) that I am here to watch all of the numbers go down and to make some serious strides towards a more physically fit me.

It's going to be an adjustment at first I think. I told my trainer that I am working on the 3 Day training plan, and she is going to work that into the workout plan that she is developing for me, so hopefully it all melds well. I go back tomorrow for my first official workout with my trainer, Anitra.

Since I only did a few sets this morning in my session and only 10 minutes of cardio, I am going back to the gym this evening to walk my scheduled 3 miles for the 3 Day Training.

Here's to my health,

Monday, March 26, 2007

Training Update

So I managed to have a week where I ALMOST made all of my training walks. I am a little frustrated because as the walks start getting longer, I am going to have to make sure to invest the time to get this training in. I am still struggling with the first 1.5 miles in each walk due to tightness in my lower legs. I have talked with a few people about how to work on and through that, and I am really hoping that trying some new stretches and mental games will help with that this week.

In other news, we joined a gym over the weekend and I am really pleased with that. I know it will be a huge help on my cross training days, and I am super excited to begin incorporating strength training into my plan.

So, last week I walked 8.25 out of 11 miles and I am on schedule for 12 miles this week. I am going to try really hard to make all of those miles. I did a few extra miles on the elliptical yesterday, but can't really count those towards my walking mileage I don't guess.

Until next time,

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

No Pain No Gain?

Well, since I had a few weeks of being sick and not making time for my walk followed by the 8K race, getting back to my normal walking schedule is proving to be quite painful. The tight muscles are back with a vengeance, and my 2 miles today was completely a bummer.

I just hate that I have to start over with these silly muscle sheath problems....why can't they just go away? It sure makes this whole training plan a lot more difficult. Just knowing that it's gonna hurt makes my motivation sail right out the window. Ugh! I'm going to try for another 2 miles tomorrow just to see about getting these muscles back in the pray for bearable pain.

Slow but steady,

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Competitive Training Walk...

Well, I officially competed in my first race today, and I am happy to report that I successfully finished the Hope River 8K in 1 hour and 40 minutes. I was really apprehensive about doing the event because this one is much more for runners than walkers, but with the encouragement of friends I stayed in the game and finished. I even managed to finish a few people before last place!!!

This was the second time in my training that I have walked 5 miles, and it was good. My legs were tight and sore for the first 1.5 to 2 miles, but after that they loosened up and I was off to the races so to speak. I maintained 20 minute miles throughout the race and although I wish that my speed was faster, I am pleased with my consistency. My goal was to hit 1 hour and 40, and I did that. I am counting on my continued training to improve my times and my endurance.

So, today was a good day. I got back onto my training walks and that feels good. We have had a few whirlwind weeks and eating and exercising has slipped significantly....but I think I am back on the plan and ready to go. Turns out that this race that I was so apprehensive about ended up being a great motivator for me.

Walking on,

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Still frustrated...

After a full week of antibiotics, I am still frustrated and feeling kinda crummy. I managed to walk about 5-6 miles last Sunday which was good since I missed 5 miles last week due to being under the weather. This week I have managed to stay on track even though I am not feeling up to par just yet.

Tuesday I did 2.2 miles and today I did right at 2 miles. The schedule for the weekend is to try and get 3 miles on both Saturday and Sunday. I have been having fun finding different places to's nice that the parks around here have trails because the track gets a little old.

Trucking along,

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Well I am sick. This makes me very irritated because I just can't go and do my walk for today. I have strep throat, sinus and ear infections, and just general upper respiratory garbage. Grrrrr.

I am really hoping that the antibiotics kick in and I am able to get back to walking by the weekend, and maybe I can even make up the miles that I miss today. We'll see.

Cranky and sick,