Monday, May 21, 2007

Still here..

Hey everyone... I figured it was about time for me to have a post. Check The Church Lady Blog for an update on my busy life and you might catch a glimpse into why it's been so long since I have posted!!

I am still doing my training, in fact the Official 24 Week Training Plan has started!!! We have 23 weeks until the actual 3 Day Walk! Woo hoo!! I have been walking on the Bear Creek Trails, and I absolutely love it. Last week I accomplished 9 out of my 12 scheduled miles, so that is mediocre...better than nothing, but not 100% like I want. So, this week my goal is to hit the training plan 100%...and I know I can do it.

For me the toughest part is making the time committment. I know that I need to just put pen to paper and create a pretty rigid schedule for myself because with summer camp just around the corner, my busy level is about to sky rocket! I'm working on it though...and it is a priority, so I know it WILL happen!

I am not having much pain in my legs anymore, so that is a tremendous blessing. I did notice that I was pretty stiff and sore over the weekend, but I have not been diligent about taking my Cod Liver Oil supplement or doing my stretches, so I have to get back on track with that as well.

Well, there's a little update. Be sure to click over to my Official 3 Day site and check on me and my team mates. Please donate if you are's a great cause!

Walking on,